Innovative Consulting Solutions

R&D laboratories

The R&D department could provide quality control and functional component analysis to make sure that all ingredients meet specifications. In addition, Han-Sient works with reliable analytical laboratories to provide high quality ingredients.

Trust and responsible

Han-Sient factory installs quality control system, and equips with comprehensive analytical devices to assure product quality and safety.

Trust and responsible

Han-Sient factory installs quality control system, and equips with comprehensive analytical devices to assure product quality and safety.

ICCN (金榜細胞營養中心)

Innovative Center of Cellular Nutrition (ICCN) provides services including active compound analysis and functional tests.

Collaborate with experts

Our customers can ask for advise with these institutions:
Department of Food Science, Tunghai University
Functional Food Research and Development Lab.
Taiwan Association of Pet Nutrition & Health Food
…and etc.

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Training & workshop

Han-Sient conducts product training, market trend study, regulatory consulting lecture, product development workshop, and more.

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